Build in the #Grizzlython DAOs + Network States track with judge @balajis. Register and get started:.

02 Feb 2023, 18:13
Build in the #Grizzlython DAOs + Network States track with judge @balajis 🔥 Register and get started: A new hackathon on DAOs and network states. $100k in prizes, open globally. Hosted by Superteam, organized by Solana Foundation. I’ll be judging the winners.

Same news in other sources

SolanaSOL #5
02 Feb 2023, 18:14
RT @balajis: Here's the direct link to the hackathon. $100k in prizes across five winners.
RT @balajis: Here's the direct link to the hackathon. $100k in prizes across five winners.
RT @balajis: Here's the direct link to the hackathon. $100k in prizes across five winners.